La Traviata "Maduro" cigar by CAO is a medium-full bodied cigar manufactured in Esteli, Nicaragua. This cigar was introduced at the 2010 IPCPR Trade Show, and its the first time I smoked one. The only difference between the original Traviata is the Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The maduro sports a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro toothy leaf. The cigar produces plenty of smoke and the draw is peppery and leathery, but does change slightly with notes of cedar and roasted nuts with a dry finish.
*Disclaimer- This cigar was purchased at the Cigarinn for $7.00 U.S. Dollars
Size: (6×52 Toro)
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro
Binder: Cameroon
Filler: Pueblo Nuevo, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic