
Open Cigar Rooms

Cigar Lounge
Washington state senators have approved a measure that would permit up to 100 cigar lounges and 500 retail tobacco shops to allow smoking. However, cigarettes would still be banned. Applicants also would need a valid liquor license. This tobacconist endorsement would be only for businesses with the primary purpose of selling tobacco and tobacco-related paraphernalia.The bill establishes a special license endorsement for up to 100 cigar rooms, which would each pay $17,500 for a state endorsement. Up to 500 tobacco shops would have the option to pay $6,000 each to allow indoor cigar and pipe smoking. Any place where cigar smoking is allowed would be physically separated from places where smoking is banned by law. In a 26-21 vote Tuesday passed a bill by Sen. Jerome Delvin, R-Richland, making an exemption to the state's indoor smoking ban for cigar rooms and tobacconists. This is a victory for Cigar aficionados to have a place where they can legally light their stogies indoors.