
Non-Cuban Seed

Tobacco plants can grow four feet tall, but the seed is small like a grain of sand, so it was easy for Cuban cigar manufacturers to transport/transplant Cuban seed elsewhere; as a result, some non-Cuban cigar brands use Cuban seed creating a generic plant whose ancestors come from Cuba. Naturally it took many years to cultivate a good non-Cuban cigar in other climates, but the success of the non-Cuban cigar was due to the expertise of the cigar maker. The cultivation process of tobacco outside Cuba has improved due to the blending of different tobaccos coming out of the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Brazil, and Nicaragua produces unique flavors. The art of blending tobaccos is an expertise to achieve particular flavors. The specialized knowledge of blending wrapper, filler, and binder is what determines the overall flavor of a cigar. An authentic Cuban Cigar is considered the best but we have to take into account the Connecticut shade tobacco grown under shade in the Connecticut River valley of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and southern Vermont which hs been cultivated by the native Indians since the 1600;s. Again when it comes to cigar smoking it's all about preference but the overall generalization is that Cuban cigars are the best. However, taken into account the proceess of cultivating tobacco plants in cuba is actually no different than any other place in the world. The distinction comes from other factors like climate, temperature, the rains, the wind, but especially the soil. This is why aside from the fact that they cannot be imported to the United States, Cuban Cigars are very special indeed.