
Undercrown Cigar

Undercrown liga privada Feral Cigar Review
This Undercrown cigar comes from the Liga privada unico line series by Drew Estate. The front label reads in Spanish "Exclusivamente para EL Jefe" which translates as exclusively for the boss, and on the back is the blue Undercrown logo. This cigar is a returned to the wild with its stylish pigtail cap perfecto, torpedo, Figurado shape. The “Feral Cigar” is combined with great detail to create the perfect smoke and possibly disrupt the balance of exceptional cigar making. All the features on this Under crown cigar are outstanding with a wonderful appearance, touch and smell. The draw and burn are excellent with an easy twist off pigtail cap with no need of using cutters; just twist, lite up and smoke. The tiny opening produces a lot of smoke with a nice light gray ash. On the first half of the cigar is gentle and smooth with earth and slight pepper flavors. On the second third the cigar is smooth sailing building a sizeable ash with flavor notes of black espresso cappuccino, and on the last third the cigar finishes the way it started, strong except with a dry finish... The end result is an awesome smoke that features a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, Brazilian Mata Fina Binder and a Nicaraguan filler. Flavor is bold and strength is full. Recommend having this with an ale or other sweet beverage. 
P.s. "Personally, I haven't smoked anything better than this as of yet".
Format : Double Figurado
Size : 5.4 x 60
Wrapper : Connecticut Broadleaf Viso
Filler : Nicaraguan Blend
Binder : Brazilian Mata Fina