JD Cigar Co added a new cigar line labeled Allure cigars, and a few days ago I received two Allure cigars from David Insignares, President of JD Cigar Co. The Allure line uses the same size and shape with binders and fillers from Nicaragua, and two different wrappers from Equador, a "Connecticut shade" and the other is "Habano". The Habano cigar has a naturally darker brown wrapper and burns even with a solid light gray ash, and the flavors are marvelous. The Connecticut had a bit more pepper on the tongue and burns with a darker ash. The initial draw on the habano is aromatic with the flavor of cinnamon coffee and builds up in strength and flavor. The Habano at midpoint is nutty and spicy with a creamy long finish. The Connecticut had a dryer finish and burned a litter faster. Overall the Habano is Full body in terms of flavor and medium in strength. The Connecticut is a milder smoke and depending on what you like mild or medium, both these cigars are a good smoke.
P.S. I used a Cuban Cut (which is slanting the cigar cutter downward)
P.S. I used a Cuban Cut (which is slanting the cigar cutter downward)
Size: | Vitola 6x52 Torpedo | |
Wrapper: | Habano Wrapper Eduador | |
Binder: | Nicaragua | |
Long Filler: | Nicaragua | |