
Dominicano Cigar

Nestor Miranda Dominicano Cigar Review
This Dominicano cigar represents the heritage of Santo Domingo, under the Nestor Miranda Collection label, distributed by Miami Cigar & Company, and is a collaboration between Nestor Miranda, Pepin Garcia and his My Father Cigar Company, and Guillermo Leon’s La Aurora S. A. This cigar has a very thin wrapper and peeled or unraveled a bit  towards the end.  It was also a little tight on the draw, but that didn't make it unpleasant.  The cigar feels heavy as I rolled it over my finger tips, it has a solid even burn, and after two ash drops the cigar was finished.  I got hits of caramel mixed with black pepper. The price of this cigar is terrific for about $10.00  U.S. dollars.

Wrapper: Dominican (Rosado)
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan

Strength: Medium